For Further Reading

This is a list of excellent texts for reading and research, especially as you anticipate your <Public Argument> and <Wikipedia> projects. It will grow as the semester progresses, and I invite you to help me grow it by sending along recommendations for other texts you think should be added. Most of these have already been added to our BB Course Library, if they are not linked below.

-Prof. Graban

3/14/13 -- New readings added! I came across several more materials before, during, and after my conference and wanted to share them with you immediately. 

Critical Perspectives on Composing for the Public (in a Digital Age)
Aronson, Merry, Don Spetner, and Carol Ames. The Public Relation Writer’s Handbook: The Digital Age, Second Edition. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2008. Excerpts on “Public Relations Goes Digital” and “Responsive Writing.” 

Bezemer, Jeff, and Gunther Kress. “Writing in Multimodal Texts: A Social Semiotic Account for Designs of Learning.” Ed. Claire Lutkewitte. Multimodal Composition: A Critical Sourcebook. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2014. 233-257.

Bolter, Jay David, and Richard Grusin. "Remediation." Configurations 4.3 (1996): 311-358. Available at

DeVoss, Dànielle Nicole, and Sue Webb. "Grand Theft Audio." Computer and Composition Online. Special issue: Media convergence. 2008. Available at

DigiRhet. "Old+old+old=new: A Copyright Manifesto for the Digital World." Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy. 12.3 (2008). Available at

Fraiberg, Steven. “Composition 2.0: Toward a Multilingual and Multimodal Framework.Ed. Claire Lutkewitte. Multimodal Composition: A Critical Sourcebook. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2014. 497-516.

Intellectual Property Caucus of the Conference on College Composition and Communication. The CCCC-IP Annual: Top Intellectual Property Developments. Available at

Lauer, Claire. “Contending with Terms: 'Multimodal' and 'Multimedia' in the Academic and Public Spheres.Ed. Claire Lutkewitte. Multimodal Composition: A Critical Sourcebook. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2014. 22-41.

Manovich, Lev. The Language of New Media. Cambridge, MA: MIT, 2002.

Murray, Joddy. “Composing Multimodality.Ed. Claire Lutkewitte. Multimodal Composition: A Critical Sourcebook. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2014. 323-350.

Wolf, Wendy M. “Editing Nonfiction: The Question of ‘Political Correctness.’” Editors on Editing: What Writers Need to Know About What Editors Do, Third Edition. Ed. Gerald Gross. New York: Grove, 1993. 229-242. 

Critical and Rhetorical Perspectives on (Teaching) Multimedia
Anstey, Michele, and Geoff Bull. “Helping Teachers to Explore Multimodal Texts.” Curriculum Leadership: An Electronic Journal for Leaders in Education. 8.16 (2010): n. pag. Web. 15 Mar. 2013. Available at

Ball, Cheryl. “Show, Not Tell: The Value of New Media Scholarship.Ed. Claire Lutkewitte. Multimodal Composition: A Critical Sourcebook. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2014. 163-186.

Multimodal Literacies Issue Management Team of the NCTE Executive Committee. The NCTE Position Statement on Multimodal Literacies. November 2005. Available at

Ridolfo, Jim, and Martine Courant Rife. “Rhetorical Velocity and Copyright: A Case Study on Strategies of Rhetorical Delivery.” Copy(write): Intellectual Property in the Writing Classroom. Ed. Martine Courant Rife, Shaun Slattery, and Dànielle Nicole De Voss. Fort Collins, CO: The WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press, 2011. Available at   

Whipple, Bob. "Images, the Commonplace Book, and Digital Self-Fashioning." Copy(write): Intellectual Property in the Writing Classroom. Ed. Martine Courant Rife, Shaun Slattery, and Dànielle Nicole De Voss. Fort Collins, CO: The WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press, 2011. Available at

Wiebe, Russell. "Plagiarism and Promiscuity." Copy(write): Intellectual Property in the Writing Classroom. Ed. Martine Courant Rife, Shaun Slattery, and Dànielle Nicole De Voss. Fort Collins, CO: The WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press, 2011. Available at

Wysocki, Anne Frances. “Multiple Media of Texts.” What Writing Does and How It Does It: An Introduction to Analyzing Texts and Textual Practices. Ed. Charles Bazerman and Paul Prior. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2004. 123-163.

General Critical and Rhetorical Perspectives on Writing
Brandt, Deborah. “'Who's the president?: Ghostwriting and Shifting Values in Literacy.College English 69.6 (2007): 549-571.

Killingsworth, M. Jimmie. “Rhetorical Situations.” In Appeals in Modern Rhetoric: An Ordinary-Language Approach. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois U P, 2005. 24-37. 

Kolln, Martha. “The Writer’s Voice.” In Rhetorical Grammar: Grammatical Choices Rhetorical Effects, Fifth Edition. New York: Pearson, 2007. 107-123. 

Matalene, Carolyn. “Experience as Evidence: Teaching Students to Write Honestly and Knowledgeably about Public Issues.” The Writing Teacher’s Sourcebook, Fourth Edition. Ed. Edward P. J. Corbett, et al. New York: Oxford U P, 2000. 180-190. 

Miller, Carolyn. Genre as Social Action.Quarterly Journal of Speech 70 (1984): 151-169.

Ong, Walter.
The Writer’s Audience is Always A Fiction.PMLA 90 (1975): 9-21.

Ramage, John D. “Rhetoric and Persuasion II: The Stases.” In Rhetoric: A User’s Guide. New York: Pearson/Longman, 2006. 102-120.

Winterowd, W. Ross. “Dispositio: The Concept of Form in Discourse.” College Composition and Communication 22.1 (Feb 1971): 39-45. 

Critical and Rhetorical Perspectives on Scientific and Technical Discourse

Gross, Alan G. “The Arrangement of the Scientific Paper.” In The Rhetoric of Science. Cambridge, MA: Harvard U P, 1990. 85-96.

Killingsworth, M. Jimmie, and Dean Steffens. “Effectiveness in the Environmental Impact Statement: A Study in Public Rhetoric.” Written Communication 6 (1989): 155-180. 

Critical and Rhetorical Perspectives on Public Policy and Political Discourse
Burke, Kenneth. “The Rhetoric of Hitler’s ‘Battle’.” In The Philosophy of Literary Form: Studies in Symbolic Action, Third Edition. Berkeley: U of California P, 1973. 191-220.

Fine, Melinda. “‘You can’t just say that the only ones who can speak are those who agree with your position’: Political Discourse in the Classroom.” Eds. William A. Covino and David A. Jolliffe. Rhetoric: Concepts, Definitions, Boundaries. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 1995. 632-650.

Gates, Henry Louis, Jr. “Integrating the American Mind.” Eds. William A. Covino and David A. Jolliffe. Rhetoric: Concepts, Definitions, Boundaries. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 1995. 342-349.

Welling, Bart H. “Ecoporn: On the Limits of Visualizing the Nonhuman.” Ecosee: Image, Rhetoric, Nature. Ed. Sidney I. Dobrin and Sean Morey. Albany: State U of New York P, 2009. 53-77.