Apr 15, 2013


Dear Everyone:

As a reminder, we are following the syllabus and Wikipedia assignment sheet, which means that Tuesday's class will serve as a guided peer workshop for the first full (and polished) draft of our Wikipedia article. I'm asking for a "completed and well-rendered draft of your section of the article." By the beginning class time tomorrow, please be sure that your group has pasted its completed section into the shared class document.

Much has to happen by the end of our class period, including making final decisions about copying and pasting content between or among sections, and making final decisions about editorial roles. Thus, writing groups whose sections are incomplete will slow down the class and be unable to receive credit for the peer review.

Also, please bring to class the following:
  • When Words Collide
  • Style
  • Wikipedia assignment sheet
  • Portfolio assignment sheet (if you have lingering questions)
  • "Twinkie" book review (from Thursday's class)
  • sources or references you came across that are essential to your section of the article and/or to someone else's.

We will devote the first part of our workshop to a quick discussion of how we would rewrite the book review as a plot/book summary for Wikipedia, and we'll most likely take up some lingering questions from last Thursday's workshop on "Coherence, Cohesion, Rhythm, and Grace."

Looking forward to it,
-Prof. Graban

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